Ähnlicher Stoff auf Deutsch: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/files/de_menschenrechte.htm#aemr20

Walter Keim
Torshaugv. 2 C
N-7020 Trondheim, 24. December 2003

1. copy to: Bundesgerichtshof BGH AnwZ ( b ) 53/03 poststelle@bgh.bund.de
2. original to: Lawyers Court (Anwaltsgerichtshof NW)
Dr. Constantin Privat (+49-228-726360), Vizepräsidenten Dr. Rolf Kronenburg (+49-221-7200694), Dr. Peter Thümmel (Tel: +49-221-317133) und Rechtsanwalt K. Kiggen  (+49-241-9610004).
Heßlerstr. 53
59095 Hamm, Tel: +49-2381-9850-56, Fax +49-2381-9559233

Copy: Dr. Peter Krumbiegel, E-mail: ra@kanzlei-gsk.com, Tel. +49-221-944020-0,  www.rak-koeln.de Tel. +49-221-973010-0, Fax +49-221-973010-50, e-mail: kontakt@rak-koeln.de 

Plantiko ./. RAK Köln
1 ZU 65/02 u.a.

Dear Dr. Krumbiegel,

I refer to the decision of  5. December 2003: http://www.niehenke.de/beschwerdezentrum/justizirrtum/forum/posts/1575.html signed by you, excluding member 044650. You are not member of the lawyers court (Anwaltsgerichtshof NW) and it is therefore illegal that you exclude a member.

The forced membership in the German lawyers bar (Rechtsanwaltskammer) violates Article 20 (2) of the UN Declaration of Human Rights ("No one may be compelled to belong to an association."). Lawyers who are critical to the human right violations in Germany can with help of a monopoly dating back to a law on legal advice from 1935 be fired from the bar, which means a Berufsverbot.  

The German bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer) is successor (see § 233 BRAO), of the Reichs-bar (Reichs-Rechtsanwaltskammerder) from 18. March 1933 and bylaw (Reich-Rechtsanwaltsordnung) of 13. December 1935.  

Even if the Rechtsanwaltskammer is the successor of the Reichsrechtsanwaltskammer, the law does not say, that you have to continue their policy.  

Germany is one of the last civilized countries without Freedom of Information: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/I_accuse.htm. The problem here is _not_ a lawyer who mentions that Germany is a Bananas-republic, one problem is that Germany falls back many bananas-republics which achieved Freedom of Information. Another problem is that most of Germans will have to develop from servile spirits to humans.  

You Dr. Krumbiegel are the biggest problem here excluding one of the few lawyers who is brave enough to write this.  

Unfortunately Germany abuses its sovereignty to deny Freedom of Information: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/petition_me-en.htm and many human rights.  

I am fed up to see such court decisions http://wkeim.bplaced.net/files/bockmann_nazi_law.htm and expect the bar to totally change its policy http://wkeim.bplaced.net/files/031213rberg-en.htm and draw back its support for such laws: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/files/de_legal_advice_law_overview.htm  

Draw your berufsverbot decision immediately back to restore your damaged reputation.    


Walter Keim  

PS: The lawyers bar in Cologne tries (See Krumbiegel Scandal) to fire a lawyer, who promotes Human Rights and his clients interests in clear words. Many citizens protest: Solidarity with RA Claus Plantiko: (click and add line shift) Letter to lawyers bar (Rechtsanwaltskammer). Here is an intervention.  

Copy: EU Council, EU Commission, EU Parliament, EU Ombudsman, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe

Stop this berufsverbot for a lawyer:
Who invites the Human Right Commissioner to Germany:
"Swedish solution" for Freedom of Information:
Why are Patients Rights insufficient? :
Who is responsible for the lack of freedom of information: 
Fight the Nazi law:

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