German NGOs publish FOI draft law

The German NGOs netzwerk recherche, Deutsche Journalistinnen- und Journalisten-Union, Deutscher Journalisten-Verband, Humanistische Union and Transparency International – Deutsches Chapter published a draft Freedom of Information law 2. April 2004:
MP Grietje Bettin and MP Jörg Tauss welcome this initiative on behalf of the coalition parties: and informed the public that the coalition parties will work out a draft FOI bill to be presented to parliament in June 2004.
The coalition has promised a FOI law since 1998. The ministry of Internal Affairs published a draft law in December 2000, but there was much resistance among other ministers. Therefore the cabinet of chancellor Schröder did not agree on a draft up to now.
This approach to work out a FOI law by parliament may be necessary to overcome resistance from bureaucracy: 

Walter Keim

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