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Federal constitution protection law - (BVerfSchG)

Law over the cooperation of the Federal Government and the States in affairs of the protection of the Constitution and over the Federal office for protection of the Constitution (federal constitution protection law - BVerfSchG) proclaims as articles 2 of the law for the further development of the data processing and the protection of data privacy of that 20. December 1990 (BGBl. I S. 2954), changed through § 38 paragraph 2 SicherheitsüberprüfungsG of that 20. April 1994 (BGBl. I S. 867)

First section

Cooperation, tasks of the protection of the Constitution authorities

§ 1

(1) The protection of the Constitution serves the protection of the liberal democratic constitution, the existence and the security of the Federal Government and the States.

(2) The Federal Government and the States are obligated, to work together in affairs of the protection of the Constitution.

(3) The cooperation exists also in mutual support and aid.

§ 2
Protection of the Constitution authorities

(1) For the cooperation of the Federal Government with the States the Federal Government maintains a Federal office for protection of the Constitution as Bundesoberbehörde. It is subordniate to the Federal minister of the internal. The Federal office for protection of the Constitution may not be incorporated a police agency.

(2) For the cooperation of the States with the Federal Government and the States mutually each country maintains an authority for the processing of affairs of the protection of the Constitution.

§ 3
Gave up the protection of the Constitution authorities

(1) If the protection of the Constitution authorities of the Federal Government and the States gave up is the collection and interpretation of information, particularly from sach - and personal information, news and documents, over


Efforts, which are directed at the liberal democratic constitution, the existence or the security of the Federal Government or a country or have an illegal impairment of the administration of the constitution organs of the Federal Government or a country or their members to the goal,


sicherheitsgefährdende or geheimdienstliche activities in the range of application of this law for a foreign force,


Efforts in the range of application of this law, which endanger through application of power or on it directed preparation acts foreign importance of the Federal Republic of Germany.

(2) The protection of the Constitution authorities of the Federal Government and the States work with


at the security examination of persons, them in the public interest geheimhaltungsbedürftige facts, objects or knowledge are entrusted, which should receive entrance to it or can procure him/it themselves,


at the security examination of persons, who be busy at sicherheitsempfindlichen positions of lebens - or verteidigungswichtigen arrangements or should become,


at technical safety precautions to the protection of in the public interest geheimhaltungsbedürftigen facts, objects or knowledge against the perusal through trespassers.

The authorities of the Federal office for protection of the Constitution at the assistance according to set 1 No. 1 are in the security examination law of the 20.April 1994 (BGBl. I S. 867) controlled.

(3) The protection of the Constitution authorities are bound at the general right instructions (articles 20 of the Constitutional Law).

§ 4

(1) In the sense of this law are


Efforts against the existence of the Federal Government or a country such politically certained, ziel - and zweckgerichteten behaviors in one or for a person union, which is directed at it, to pick up the freedom of the Federal Government or a country by foreign dominion, to eliminate their state unit or to disconnect an area belonging to him/it;


Efforts against the security of the Federal Government or a country such politically certained, ziel - and zweckgerichteten behaviors in one or for a person union, which is directed at it, which Federal Government, States or their arrangements to hurt in their functional ability considerable;


Efforts against the liberal democratic constitution such politically certained, ziel - and zweckgerichteten behaviors in one or for a person union, which is directed at it, to eliminate one it in paragraph 2 named constitution principle or to set besides worth.

For a person union deals, who him/it in his efforts emphatically supports. Requirement for the collection and interpretation of information in the sense the § 3 paragraph 1 is the existing of actual reference points. Behaviors of individuals, who are not dealings in one or for a person union, are efforts in the sense of this law, if they are directed at application of power or because of their operation suitable, to damage a protection asset of this law considerable.

(2) Among the liberal democratic basic order in the sense of this law are:


the right of the people, the executive in choices and adjustments and to exercise through special organ of the legislation, the executing power and the jurisdiction and the parliament in more generally, more directly, more freely, to choose equal and secret choice,


the linking of the legislation at the constitutional order and the linking of the executing power and the jurisdiction at law and right,


the right to education and exercise of a parliamentary opposition,


the Ablösbarkeit of the government and their responsibility facing the parliament,


the independence of the courts,


the exclusion of each power - and arbitrariness dominion and


the human rights concretised in the Basic Law.

§ 5
Delimitation of the responsibilities of the protection of the Constitution authorities

(1) The state authorities for protection of the Constitution collect information, information, news and documents for the fulfillment of their tasks, werten them/it/her from and transmit them/it/her the Federal office for protection of the Constitution and the state authorities for protection of the Constitution, as far as it is necessary for their task fulfillment.

(2) The Federal office for protection of the Constitution may collect in a country in the conduct with the state authority for protection of the Constitution information, information, news and documents in the sense the § 3. At efforts and activities in the sense the § 3 paragraph 1 No. 1 to 3 is requirement, that


them/it/her completely or partially against the Federal Government conform,


them/it/her over the range of a country out extend,


them/it/her foreign importance of the Federal Republic of Germany touch or


a state authority for protection of the Constitution the Federal office for protection of the Constitution around a Tätigwerden requests.

The conduct can be manufactured for a series of parallel cases.

(3) The Federal office for protection of the Constitution instructs the state authorities for protection of the Constitution about all documents, their knowledge for the country to the purpose of the protection of the Constitution is necessary.

§ 6
Mutual instruction of the protection of the Constitution authorities

The protection of the Constitution authorities are obligated, to lead at the Federal office for protection of the Constitution to the fulfillment the Unterrichtungspflichten after § 5 common files, which use them/it/her in the automated procedure. These files contain only the data, which are necessary for the discovering of acts and the to it necessary identification of persons. The storage of personal data is only under the requirements it §§ 10 and 11 permissible. The call in the automated procedure through other positions is not permissible. The responsibility of a storing position in the sense of the general instructions of the protection of data privacy right carries each protection of the Constitution authority only for them from their entry; only she/it may change these data, disable or delete. The entering position must be detectable. The Federal office for protection of the Constitution meets for the common files the technical and organizational measures after § 9 of the Federal Government data protection act. The leadership of text files or files, which contain further as them in set 2 named data, is under the requirements of this paragraph only permissible for narrowly limited application areas for the enlightenment of sicherheitsgefährdenden or geheimdienstlichen activities for a foreign force or by efforts, which are directed at it, to utilize power or to prepare use of force. The access right is to be limited to persons, which are entrusted directly with works in this application area; in the file layout (§ 14) is to be found the Erforderlichkeit of the photograph of text additions in the file.

§ 7
Direction right the Federal Government

The federal government can, if an attack results on the constitutional order of the Federal Government, the most upper state authorities the directions necessary for the cooperation of the States with the Federal Government in the area of the protection of the Constitution give.

Source: http://www.fas.org/irp/world/germany/docs/bverfg.htm in German: http://bundesrecht.juris.de/bundesrecht/bverfschg/


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